The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday...23 January 2011

Happy birthday to Keiths sister, Helen.
Nice quiet day at home today, everyone was getting over the road trip. Did a bit of washing, cooked some sausage rolls, played a few games.  Even the animals are a bit flat today, (no I did not run over them)!!!
Woke up this morning and thought, bloody heck, now I got smoke. Turned out it was not smoke but, are you ready for this one people, middle of January and we had a FOG! Could not see more than fifty metres in any direction, weird, it sure spooked me.
We still have water lying around in the back paddock and the one beside the house. Wonder how long it will take to evaporate. Sooner rather than later please as those mozzies love the new breeding grounds and have upped the steroid consumption. A good day is less than 20 bites between caravan and house first thing each day. My toes and arms and legs are looking lumpy. Already had two bouts of Ross River Virus in WA, am wondering how long before I get #3!!!!!! We are burning all sorts of anti mozzie things and wearing copious amounts of didyahaveagoodweegend?..........And still they feast, but only on selected persons. Those of us with tasty blood.
No point in being negative is there. At least the mozzies are eating well..........


  1. I'm sure you wont get Ross River Virus again, not when you're so close to the home of Murray Valley Encephalitis

  2. Try spraying with straight Listerine, near where you sit etc. Spray the ground, around the chair under it, under the table. Apparently mossies don't deal well with it. We have been doing this down the van and it certainly seems to stop them. Needs to be resprayed each day and takes about 30 min to work, but has helped heaps.
