The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday...27 February 2013

Yesterday we went out to the Hume Weir. It is just out of Albury.  It was built to regulate the flow of water in the Murray river for irrigation. It helps control some of the seasonal flooding associated with such a huge river. It also has a massive power station. Useful stuff water!

Then last night we went to dinner at our friends house. It was so good to see them again. We had a grand time playing catch up and dinner was yummy.

Today we drove through some of the prettiest country in Victoria's alpine region. Stunning views and constant wow factor around every bend of the road. We drove out to Dartmouth Dam which is quite a  bit further away from Albury. These dams really are wonderful examples of man's ability to harness nature.
It rained most of the time but every so often there was a break in the weather and we got to see things clearly and get good photos. We had both places to ourselves. I guess we were the only tourists silly enough to go out in wet weather!

Along the way we went to the towns of  Dartmouth, Mitta Mitta, Eskdale, Tallangatta, Tangambalanga, Kiewa and Wodonga.
Himself used to cart butter out of Tangambalanga back in another lifetime and was rather pleased to pass through there today and find that the factory is still there.
The journey took us past the Bandiana Army Complex and through the Kiewa Valley into the Mitta Valley and in the process we drove across the Murray River, the Kiewa River and the Mitta Mitta River which is used to connect the Dartmouth dam to Lake Hume.
Long trip but worth the time.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday...25 February 2013

Had a lovely visit with my sister and brother and families. It is always good to see them and knowing we will be back one day eases the pain of leaving. Our thanks to them all for their hospitality and company. The girls day out in Melbourne was definitely one of the highlights. We should do them more often.
Moving day again. This time we have travelled to Albury. Very hot drive and we were stuck behind a slow moving wide load with police traffic control. Took forever to find places to let the build up of traffic past it. Right now we have made camp in a caravan park in Albury and it is a very steamy 36.
The air conditioner is working overtime and we are trying to stop the water running down our backs. Himself looked like he had taken a shower with his clothes on by the time he hooked up the water and power and settled the legs and unhooked us from the tow vehicle.
He has had a long cold drink and a nice cup of tea and is currently lying full length on the floor under the air conditioner vent with a fan blowing on him too. We need to find the shops and do a grocery grab for tea. Then we are expecting a visit from friends we met in Qld who live in this area.
While we cool off the many rabbits that inhabit this park are jumping around under us and digging their little holes. Might have rabbit stew for tea!!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday...21 February 2013

Just home from a long day out with my sister, my sister in law and a niece. We were up ultra early to go into Shepparton to catch a VLine bus to Seymour where we changed to the train for Melbourne arriving in town at lunchtime. We took the tram up to Spring St then went looking for somewhere to do lunch. Our final choice was less than perfect but we did get food and drink so guess that was better than starving.
Lunch was followed by a medical appointment for my sister and coffee for the rest of us while we waited for her to return. Then we all got back on the tram and rode it to Southern Cross railway station. 
Arriving there with a bit of time to spare we took the escalator up and wandered around the retail precinct above the station. I got a new handbag! Then it was time to get on the train to head for home. We were only a couple of suburban stations along the line and down came the rain. The hailstones could be heard hitting the roof of our railway carriage over the noise of the actual clackety clack of the train itself but we were moving right along and making good time. Then the lightning took out some points somewhere which bought us to a standstill and there we sat in solitary splendour with the storm raging around and over us. Eventually the problem was fixed and we continued on to Seymour and changed to the bus for the final leg to Shepparton, eventually arriving only half an hour late at 8pm.
Into the car and a short 15km drive back to my sisters place where we made dinner and finally got to sit  down to eat. I know one person who will not hurry to get up tomorrow! It was a fun day full of laughter and happy people having a good time. Looking forward to the next girls day out.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday...18 February 2013

Yesterday I cut up 10 kg of tomatoes and 3 kg of onions and today my sister is turning them into tomato relish as requested by Himself. Smells yummy! Between us it has taken a lot of stirring but will be well worth the effort. The smell has gone right through the house and is driving me mad. My stomach wants food now.

While we are doing this, Himself has gone off to put the caravan over the pit to rotate the springs. This is the last job in the long list of routine maintenance for this year on both the caravan and the ute.
My sister has a lot of visitors. Yesterday we had 9 visitors and today already we have had 2 visitors. Sure makes for a busy lifestyle.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saturday...16 February 2013

Moving day.
Up early in Bendigo and took forever to get organised but finally got away by lunchtime.
We went to Elmore and grabbed a quick bite at the roadhouse then came on to my sisters place.
Brother in law is looking less than healthy following a hernia operation two days ago. He says he is improving but is very sore and bruised and walking very carefully.
Sister as usual happy to see us and cooked up a feast for dinner.
Unsure how long we will stay. Updates as necessary.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday...15 February 2013

Today we went into town to take the tour on the Vintage Talking Tram.  I enjoyed my ride on this unique attraction. The staff were wonderful and the commentary was very informative. The weather was good which was a big help as the tram is open aired!  I cannot show you a picture of my tram ride as Himself ended up doing a totally different tour and he kept the camera.
He did the Central Deborah Mine Underground tour. They usually only do one per day and we had missed that one but today they did a second tour and he was in the right place at the right time and got to go with only five minutes notice.One very happy camper!

When we got home we had a visit from my young brother and then tonight Himself's sister came over. We got to say our farewells to these nice people as tomorrow we are on the road again. We will be going to my sisters place for a couple of days and then heading off again on our happy travels to places yet to be decided.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday...13 February 2013

Himself has been very busy doing all sorts of maintenance to our caravan while we have the opportunity to make us ready for whatever travels we undertake this year. He has put new tyres on the ute and then put the tyres that came off the ute onto the caravan. This works well for us. The last lot gave us nearly 100,000 km by doing this. Mind you they are good Cooper Discoverers so I would expect to get some seriously good mileage out of them. He and his mates also spent a day looking for the leak in one of the air-bags on the rear of the ute but could not find it. A few days later Himself and his brother took the air-bag completely off the ute and located the leak on the underside of it and had it welded so there is another thing taken care of. While they were at it they moved the air-bag nipples to the inside of the numberplate so that they cannot be knocked as has been happening. They also discovered that the air-bags had been fitted back to front when they were first installed! We have also borrowed a ladder and cleaned our slide rubbers which now gleam. On a roll, we washed the caravan and the ute! And today Himself will take the big back day/night blind out and rethread it so that it works better. At the moment I can only put it up about half way as the thread has been shredding. Another job was to have another aluminium bracket welded to the nudge bar so that we could put our big driving lights back into service after the original bracket broke off on our trip to the top of Australia last year. We have also organised to borrow a shed which has a pit so that Himself can back the caravan in and change the springs from left to right to share the wear on them.
While we are in Bendigo we are staying with Himself's brother who owns a motel. It is rather nice to sleep in a bed that does not rock and roll if you turn over! Most days I sit and watch the activity around me. It is interesting to see what happens in the average day of a motel. There is always someone moving around the place. Today there was a Speed Queen mechanic servicing the big washers and dryers. Most of the linen comes from a linen service but there is still heaps of other washing that has to be done to keep a busy motel functioning. The cleaning lady is quietly going about her job servicing and cleaning the motel units. The owner is doing a myriad of maintenance tasks, some big some small but all very necessary to the smooth running of the business, and tucked away in the office, his wife is making sure the accounts are paid and the bookings are organised and that all is ready for the arrival of the new batch of guests each day and somewhere in between all that she cooks and cleans for her own little family (and personal visitors!). They do have office  hours but the reality is the phone rings all the time and they are never really off duty. Their daughter has just opened her own fitness business in the front rooms of the main building and that has meant more comings and goings as her clients attend their personal training sessions.  Never a dull moment!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday...10 February 2013

Our 34th wedding anniversary.
We went out to dinner with Himself's family at the local club. Nice meal.
Came home for coffee and to see the end of the cricket!
Plans to go to one of Bendigo's famous Chinese restaurants later in the week.
Spent the afternoon sitting with my little brother while he did his radio show. Fascinating to watch him work. We chat between songs and phone calls from the listeners.
Were going to be leaving tomorrow but have decided to stay a few more days.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday...8 February 2013

On Wednesday one of our daughters had a birthday.
Wednesday night my brother took us out to dinner at his sons restaurant. It is a nice place, the food was lovely and the service brilliant. It should do well.
Last night Himself's niece came by to visit and stayed for dinner. Her two boys are balls of energy and the eldest is bright as a button. They had a grand time running and playing with the resident dog.
Tonight is Friday night which means we are expecting visitors. Most Friday nights Himself's sister and her husband drop in to visit for a couple of hours after dinner.
Today we plan to clean our slide rubbers. It is a job that has been waiting for some time but we cannot carry a ladder big enough and have to wait until we are somewhere we can borrow one. Tomorrow is running repairs on the ute as a rear air bag needs some attention.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday...4 February 2013

Moving day today.
Up nice and early to wave to the grandsons as they left for work and school and then it was time to pack our little home and say farewell and thank you to the daughter and her family as we set off again.
This time we have moved to Bendigo to visit with Himself's family and my younger brother.
Had a lovely dinner and then went out with the sister in law to watch her and her team at the ten pin bowling competition. Had forgotten how noisy the bowl can be! Finished the day with a very nice glass of wine.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday...1 February 2013

Please go back and re-read the previous entry. I wrote it while I was extremely tired after a two day road trip and mistakenly said that the Cape Otway lighthouse was the most easterly point of Victoria, when it should have said the most southerly! After a phone call from my BB (big brother)  it is fixed now.
Tonight the son-in-law lit the wood fire. Fancy that, a roaring fire in the first week of February. How wrong is that? The weather has been very up and down. Right now it is freezing cold but next week they are promising high thirties. I can see a lot of coughs and colds coming.