The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday...29 October 2015

Daughter has had to go to the city for a two day workshop for her job. I was asked if I would look after Little Miss Happy (nearly one year old grand daughter) for a few hours each day to give her daddy a rest. Of course I would, bring it on, this will be fun I said! All that time and we do not have to share with Mummy and Daddy. Lucky us!
Do any of my readers remember how much effort goes into entertaining small people? It was only for four hours and by the time daddy came back to rescue us I was a limp dish rag! It took a very actively mobile small person to show me how many nooks and crannies there really are in one small caravan. I spent most of the time running from one end to the other and then sitting myself  "just so" to cover up her access to forbidden treasure such as computer cords and fast moving fans. So far she has not managed to open any low level cupboards but no doubt that will happen eventually. We are going to do it all again today and I am hoping my energy levels are up for it!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday...26 October 2015

What a great weekend.
Our friends from Albury/Wodonga come to visit with us on their way home from a trip to Adelaide for a reunion.  So wonderful to see them again. We laughed, we chatted, we drank copious amounts of wine and beer and still we talked! We went out to lunch yesterday at the local RSL which was rather nice but mostly we just sat and talked and caught up on each others news. Such a shame they must continue on home today but hopefully it will not be too long before we see them again.
The weather for the last few days has been good but now it is trying to rain, all overcast and gloomy and of course it is windy. I think I will rename this town Windygo! Every time we come here it is blowing a blooming gale. Seriously I am way over the wind. I think that wind could be blamed for a lot of odd behaviour in the local humans. It is just so .............there...........all the time!!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tuesday...20 October 2015

No more getting up, packing up, driving all day then setting up camp all over again.......for a while! Yesterday we moved to Himself's home town and are planning to stay for a couple of months. It was a long day and quite warm too so much sweating and swearing while parking the rig. Then we called the daughter and got a home delivery on our daily dose of cuteness. The little one is so gorgeous but was having a problem working out why we are not in her mum's phone where we belong! She found the reality of us just a little too confronting so I guess we will have to wait until she adjusts before we get hugs and sloppy kisses. No problem. We have the time.
We made some friends in this park and were so looking forward to seeing them again when we arrived. Some people will do anything to get out of seeing us and this one got herself carted off in an ambulance within hours of our arrival! Rather scary but she is home again and resting.
I spent some of today going into town with the daughter and grandchild to have a much needed hair cut and while I was at it I got a nice high chair which I hope will help contain the grandchild at eating time when she comes to visit. She is at just the right age to spread her food all over the place and I would rather wash a chair than the entire caravan! While I was at it I stocked up on a couple of  toys and essential toddler food items so that we have what she needs when she comes to visit. Go Nana!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday...15 October 2015

After coming off the Nullabor we checked into our favourite caravan park in Ceduna for a couple of days to wash the dirt off but then Himself realised that it was coming up to Bathurst 500 weekend so as we had good television reception we stayed a few days extra so that he could have his annual vroom vroom fest! I played a lot of computer games for the two days!
Then we moved on to Port Augusta for one night and from there we motored across country to Mildura. Well actually we stay in a park just over the Mighty Murray in a place called Buronga but we have discovered that not many people have heard of Buronga whereas everyone knows Mildura. The only difference is which bank of the river you are on!
Yesterday Himself took me to lunch at the Mildura Workingman's Club. Nice place. Apparently they built a T shaped bar in 1938 that was believed to be the longest bar in the state. It was 91 metres long around the centre line of the service surface and had 32 beer taps. That bar was removed in 1995 during renovations to add poker machines. What a shame a piece of history was destroyed for a few extra poker machines!
Today it is 37 C.....wtg Mildura!
Nice and warm, had to put the air conditioner on and it is now after 6pm and it is still 37 C.
Will stay a while here and recharge the batteries. I hear tell that the local Mildura show started today. If the weather improves a bit we may go take a look.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday...9 October 2015

Nullabor Crossing.
Day One.
Esperance to Norseman and out along the road to a free camp called Baxter which is about half way along the 90 mile straight. This is the longest straight stretch of road in Australia and runs for 90 mile or 144.8 kilometres without a bend. It goes on and on and bloody on and on! Taking an overnight break in the middle is a good idea, it helps with the safe driving factor and stops some of the boredom. Just before we stopped for the night we saw a herd of wild camels near our camp area. I decided there and then that if I  heard noises outside overnight I was NOT going out to see what was making the noise!
Day Two.
More long and boring travel to another free camp, this one was called the 81k peg camp, probably because it is 81 kilometres in from the border, having crossed into South Australia at Border Village. We did see the usual push bike riders. All the way across the Nullabor at various places the road has been made into emergency airstrips for the RFDS.  It is rather comforting to know that help is never too far away in this vast land of ours. There seemed to be a lot more traffic going west than we usually see out there. We put it down to people returning from the football grand final in Melbourne and also there was a large number of motor homes heading to the CMCA rally later this month in Albany WA.

Day Three.
Up late, well it was not late late but because we had crossed a couple of time zones and because South Australia is also on daylight saving time, we lost two and a half hours along the way so while the clock in the car said we were on the road at 8.00am it was in actual fact 10.30am. Ah well, it just meant happy hour came quicker yesterday! We stopped during the day to refuel the ute out of the extra jerry cans we carry and Himself was engulfed in huge flies and had to resort to spraying with the Aeroguard as they were biting him and drawing blood! The other thing to happen was passing push bike riders but this lot had modified their bikes and were in fact lying down to pedal. Looks odd. We only had to drive for four hours before arriving in Ceduna where we have now parked up for a couple of days to allow our bodies to catch up to the clocks.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday... 5 October 2015

Well our time in Esperance has come to an end.
We have had a wonderful time here visiting with our friends. They are such lovely warm people. And cook......we are surely going to lose weight crossing the Nullabor. No way can I cook like that! Himself will fade away to a shadow if he thinks I am going to continue providing meals of this standard!! The weather has been mostly kind. These last few days were around the thirty mark and I have managed to start this summers tan already.
Tomorrow we will set off on yet another crossing of the Nullabor as we journey back East.

It goes, it goes, it goes..............that way!

See you on the other side.