The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday... 31 October

In town for a quick visit to catch up with long lost relatives who have gathered for a wedding. Having fun on the farm, working hard. Will be in Victoria for the Xmas period. We have been sourcing information to access the internet out there in the wilderness and we hope to get time soon to travel the couple of hundred kms to somewhere that stocks the necessary bits to acheive the impossible!!! Would not be holding your breathe waiting though. ..........

Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday...29 October

Just an update from The Parents.

They are in Condo and probably will be until the caravan has decomposed back to its original elements. Mum thinks she'll get out of there before planting the new crops next year, I have my doubts. Dad is currently helping with shearing and has just agreed to stay for harvest. Now I aint a farm girl but I'm pretty sure next after that is spraying and then ploughing and gosh, if you've done all that you might as well stick around for seeding.

No mobile reception and no internet but they do have a mailbox so you can send mail c/o the name of the farm and it'll be delivered 3 days a week.

And the weather seems to have improved so life is good.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday...3 October

Kim & Stephens wedding anniversary.  We arrived in Condobolin on Tuesday and out at Aunty Joans place there is no mobile reception which wipes out our phones AND our internet, hence no blog (but ahhh the blissful silence). Have come into town today to visit with Dianne who is here for the weekend from her place in Orange. 
We are having a fun time at Aunty Joans and Keith has been making himself useful helping out on the farm. Getting a little sick of the rain which seems to be following us whereever we go lately.
We are planning to stay here a few weeks at least till the end of October,  to have a serious visit with them. If anyone needs us desperately enough all our kids have Aunty Joans (NSW)phone number..
See you all the next time I come into town.....