The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday...29 Nov

Another update from The Parents

Still in Condo, still at the farm, currently Dad is helping with the harvest and Mum is helping with the feeding of the hungry workmen. Mum has also been gardening and has tomatoes and roses growing beautifully and has even mulched. And I stand by my elemental components stance.

However, Parents will be at Kim's place in Victoria for Christmas (+/- caravan depending on if the harvest is finished) and Bendigo for New Years. This means anyone wanting to send cards, presents, large sums of money, can either send them to ME to be sorted and uh passed on (must arrive before Dec 15 or they wont be dealt with til next year), or send them to Kim and they'll get them on Christmas day. Also, anyone sending things to the PO Box, last guaranteed clearance will be 16 December. It will then be checked sometime before the new year and forwarded on to Kim's or Charlie's depending on date but it wont be by me so cant guarantee dates and if you want them to get your cards then its better to send to Kim.

Feel free to email me if you need the address