The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday...30 November 2015

The Queensland daughter and her family came to visit yesterday.
They stopped off on their way to a family holiday they are having before their children scatter to the four winds as adults themselves.
Top of the agenda was meeting Little Miss Happy. She charmed everyone and was of course an absolute angel, she was in good company, her three grown up cousins were also on their best behaviour and the end result was some very pleasant family time had by all.
Happy hour was followed by a simple BBQ dinner topped off with cheesecake. We tried to chat the night away but their early start and our unusual activity levels added up to an early bedtime for all of us. Today after what we hope was a good nights rest, they will continue to their destination and some quality time together on a houseboat on the Murray River. We wish them a happy holiday.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday...24 November 2015

Another month nearly over.
We have had our caravan now for six years and we have seen a lot and done a lot in our time on the road full time. There have been incredible highs and sad lows but mostly life has been good to us.
In the early days our family and friends were running a book on how long we would last, I wish they had invited me to take part, I knew that we were going to try for two years but in my heart I myself thought one year was a more likely outcome. Isn't it amazing what humans are really capable of?
I think we can all do way more than we initially think we can, the incentive just has to be high enough to make us that much more determined to achieve higher goals.
I think I can.....I think I can....I think I can, eventually morphs into I know I can....I know I can....
So we did.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thursday...19 November 2015

Last Friday we had a call from the daughter's husband in Horsham asking if Himself could spare a couple of days to lend a hand with harvest as his dad who usually helps had taken sick and ended up in hospital.  We threw a few clothes into a bag and off we went!
As soon as we got there after two and a half hours driving, the boys took off to Pinnaroo in South Australia to fetch a part for the header, just a quick trip, three hours each way. The daughter and I went into town and had dinner at a local Thai restaurant. Yum! I know who got the best deal for dinner that day!
Next day the men went about the business of fixing the header and continuing the harvest and after delivering packed lunches to the paddock, the ladies went to lunch and did a spot of shopping. You know, I could get used to doing harvest this way........
But then came Monday and the daughter went back to work.
So mum got to make the lunches and I did not have to but happily offered to cook dinner, (chicken casserole) which went down well when the men finally came in from the paddock very late at night.
Tuesday was declared a total fire ban so the men were home by lunchtime and the header was parked up during the serous heat of the day to wait until the extremely hot winds moved elsewhere. They lunched on home made sausage rolls and left over chicken casserole. Then they went out again late in the day and I cooked a chop casserole which was finally served at 1.00am when they came home for a shower, dinner and bed.

On Wednesday we had an appointment back here in Bendigo so we left straight after breakfast to be back by lunchtime. Gotta say it was nice driving so early in the day especially as the day did turn out rather hot.
Today I minded Little Miss Happy again. This kid is seriously sweet. She played with her toys and anything she could get her hands on around our caravan that was safe to let her fiddle with and she had a one and a half hour nap (what's not to like about that, given that nanny was worn out by then) and then she woke up happy, had lunch and was content to play again until her daddy came to rescue her. Cute kid! After that we went to her house to put together her new cot. Lucky Little Miss Happy.

Tomorrow there is a caravan and camping expo at the local racecourse. We will be there. Cannot miss a nomad muster!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tuesday...10 November 2015

You know, it always amazes me that so many people from so far away read my little blog. I really am just a normal ordinary everyday person who happens to be lucky enough to live in a fifth wheel caravan that is being driven around Australia by a bloke (my husband) who seriously enjoys driving and we both like seeing what is around the next bend in the road.
Sometimes our caravan feels small and some times I wonder what it would be like to have a bigger model but generally we are happy.
Today it is overcast and drizzling rain. Yesterday it was warm enough for shorts!
Today I babysat Little Miss Happy for a few hours. Yesterday I did absolutely nothing!
Everyday has its moments. Everyday is different. Life is mostly good. We are healthy and happy. Is there any need for more? We really do live in a very lucky country and I hope it stays that way.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sunday...8 November 2015

Oops! I have not blogged for a week.
Two things happened at the same time. I ran out of internet and I ran out of energy.
We started out with 1GB a month when we first hit the road. Over time this proved too small so we upgraded to 3GB a month. That did well for a couple of years but again slowly became too small so we upgraded again to 8GB a month. This too did well for a while but now it has suddenly become too small too. My frustration is being caused by the fact that I have deleted everything and anything I can think of out of my normal daily internet routine in an attempt to slow the usage rate. I am even thinking of deleting good old Facebook!  I cannot figure out what is chewing it up. Must be something running in the background but our very good anti everything virus protection is not picking up anything naughty. Oh well, back to the drawing board.

The other big thing to happen this week was Little Miss Happy's first birthday. Hard to believe it has been a whole year since she made such a dramatic early arrival scaring us and her terrified new parents. But what a joy she has been. So blessed to have her in our lives. I need to get back into training and get fitter to keep up with that much energy. A day with Little Miss Happy and Nana needs two days recovery time!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sunday...1 November 2015

Well I survived the second day of minding little Miss Happy. I was absolutely exhausted at the end but we did have fun and Nanny loved it. The good news is that she is still happy to see us so I guess this means we did alright.
The next day some of our friends from Melbourne decided to do a road trip and came to have lunch with us. We had a wonderful time and as we talked and talked they were a bit late getting away to head back to Melbourne. What lovely people to come all that way just to have lunch with us.
Then yesterday we went out to visit our old mates from the West who are now breeding horses about 20 km out of this town. While we were having afternoon tea and once again talking and talking and talking some more to catch up on each others news, my phone rang and it was the daughter from Horsham who had come to visit and we were not home! Oops! She had come to stay the night.
Back to town to catch up with her and take her out to dinner at one of the local pubs.
Today was Little Miss Happy's Christening. Another big event and day. The whole thing went off without a hitch and without any sort of unsocial behaviour from the Little One. She smiled, waved and laughed her way through the whole thing and even thought the priest was a nice bloke too! This was a bonus for her parents as she has not been too keen on most blokes of late.
We followed that with lunch at the local RSL club and then coffee and cake at home. A good group of the family came to help bless this child and her parents are very happy with how her special day went off.
We came home with the Horsham daughter in tow to have a bit of time with us before she headed off to drive home and I now sit here waiting for her call to say she is home safe.
Tomorrow is a designated Rest Day for us, we need to recharge our batteries and catch up on the housework, but that is followed on Tuesday (Melbourne Cup Day) with Little Miss Happy's first birthday.  Stay tuned!