The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sunday...26 December

Today was spent recovering from the funny tummy of yesterday, bought on by eating too much fresh cooked  ham!!!
Went into town today to the post Xmas sales, a first for me. Thank heavens it is only a little town, not sure I would have been able to handle the Myers or David Jones City crush.
Yesterday was a lovely day, made more special as I did not have to do the cooking or even the washing up. I bought some more beads today so maybe a bit of craft over the next few weeks. And lots and lots of relaxation.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thursday 23 December

Hello hello, we are back from the wilderness. I should get an award for lasting 3 months without any form of modern communication whatsoever. Talk about black spots. No mobile phones, no mobile internet & at regular intervals, no blasted TV reception either. So all you folk thinking of travelling this wonderful country of ours should NOT go within coooeeee of either Tannum Sands in Qld or rural Condobolin in NSW. Watch this space for blackspot list updates........
Yesterday we travelled non stop for 12 hours to get from Condobolin to Horsham. Non stop included no lunch and no dinner. However here we are and with time to set up camp in Kims back yard and be relaxed and ready for Xmas.
Much to tell about life on the farm but for now we will just take the opportunity to wish all our readers a safe and happy Christmas with family and friends.
Will try for regular enteries again after Xmas.