The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wednesday...26 August 2015

Daughter has come down from Perth to visit and she came bearing gifts.

We now have a lovely new Dyson fan+heater. I love the idea that it replaces both my old fan and my old heater with one stylish new item.
We are very lucky to be given this and I am sure we will bless this child at regular intervals as we continue our travels.
She also bought along a happy hour platter laden with nuts, meats, assorted onions and dried fruits. She also produced a shopping bag full of cheeses and pates and dry biscuits. Something in that for everyone.
Himself is enjoying playing with the new "toy".
At least it keeps his mind off the pain after the skin people took another big chunk out of his back today. The biopsy from last week excision was not good so they deemed it wise to reopen his previous procedure and enlarge the excision to be sure they had taken all of the nasty out. Fingers crossed they have it all. He must have check ups more regularly now and cannot stretch the muscles in his back for a month to allow the hole to heal. The original excision had three stitches, this one has more than ten! Poor him.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tuesday...25 August 2015

This is the view we have out the big back window of our caravan here in the Mandurah district. On a nice sunny day like today it is a very pleasant sight.
There is a constant stream of people walking, riding bikes and leading dogs along the path and they keep us amused all day.
Himself did not break any of his stitches, thank goodness, and he is healing quite nicely....BUT... we had a call today from the Molescan clinic asking him to come back in tomorrow. The only explanation we have been given is that they need to do a further procedure. Stay tuned!
While he is off being hacked about, I will do lunch with one of the daughters who is coming down to see us for a couple of days.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday...21 August 2015

It has been raining off and on now for three days. Such a shame really as the weather before this was looking like the end of the cold wet season had arrived. Guess I was wrong!
Himself has been busy.
On Tuesday he drove back up to Perth to get the results of his skin biopsy (all clear) and to have a suspicious mole cut off his back. Not allowed to remove the dressing until Sunday so not sure how many stitches are under there. He was ok on Tuesday but by Wednesday morning the dressing was one big bloody mess! I have a nasty idea that he has popped at least one of those stitches.
Then on Wednesday he drove back to Perth and flew to Karratha to visit our taxation person and file our overdue tax returns. Two hours driving to Perth, two hours flying to Karratha, four hours on the ground and then two hours flying back to Perth and two hours driving back to Mandurah. A very long day. While I had wind and rain in camp he had sunshine and 34 in Karratha. Guess we know who had the best day. Just quietly I think he enjoyed the whole thing, it was a bit like his old working life of meetings, hire cars, plane trips, Business Class and the Qantas club!
The caravan park we are in backs onto a water view and lots of people walk their dogs around this area so I have a constant supply of puppies to watch. The variety is endless. As I type I have been watching a very small pooch trying to convince its human that this is not fit weather for man nor dog as they walk in the rain. It has been sitting down and refusing to walk even though the human has a giant sized umbrella that easily keeps both of them dry. Bless the human, he has been endlessly patient with his sulky pooch.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday...16 August 2015

Finally got some nice sunshine and a touch of warmth. Not sure how long it will last but happy to take it while I can.
The Perth daughter came down to stay with us for the weekend. We have drunk copious amounts of wine and played games (Sequence and Yahtzee) all weekend. Most pleasant way to past the time even if the daughter won most of the time!
Must be going to rain again. The corellas are carrying on absolutely silly. They are doing cartwheels across the ground and hanging upside down from the trees.
Last night the pub around the corner had live music very loudly until midnight but then things quietened down.  Tonight I have my fingers crossed that the new arrivals in the whizz bang parked near us have good bladders! If they have to go walkies off and on all night I will not be a happy camper listening to the sound of their sliding door doing the noisy whizz bang each and every time they go into and out of their vehicle.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Monday...10 August 2015

The wind blew very strongly last night. The noise was horrible and the sound of the awning flapping was worse! Himself got up at 4 am and after untying the ropes and straps that were supposed to be keeping it steady, wound it up. Blissful silence. Sleep at last!
Up early pretty much as usual this morning and the sun is shining and the sky is a murky blue. The ground is wet with puddles all over and the wind is still blowing but I think it has eased off a bit.
I sure hope this weather front is done for now. Came here for the warmer weather and the lovely blue skies, none of which I have had much of so far. Come on WA you can do better than this.
And having said that and stopped long enough to check my spelling before hitting the finished button, down came the rain!
Looks like another day inside reading and playing computer games. Ho hum!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Thursday...6 August 2015

The Perth daughter made us her famous lamb roast the other night and then sent us home with the left over roast and vegetables. Did not have to cook for two nights and then I used the rest and made a small shepherds pie. I do like a gift that just keeps on giving!
We went for our Molescan visit yesterday. I got the all clear but Himself has to go back to have a couple of suspect spots surgically removed. After that we wore ourselves out walking around Ikea. That place has so many good ideas.
We were invited out for dinner last night, had a lovely BBQ in front of the wonderfully warm log fire and played Sequence afterwards. What a great game, must buy one for the caravan.
Moving day again today, left Perth and moved to Mandurah.
Will need to return to the city for various appointments but mostly we can relax and chill out again.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Monday...3 August 2015

Blue skies, sun shining. Small problem with the temperature, it could go up a few notches, but it is nice to have blue skies again.
After being away for so long it is odd seeing so many WA number plates!
Today I think I will get a chair out and read a book in the sun.