The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday...31 January 2014

Doing my best impression of an ice cube......melting!
The brother does not  have air conditioning or trees and the weather is once again extremely hot.  Still in a month or so we will begin bitching that it is cold. It is making us think about Tassie again!
We are also having a problem with our phones and think we may be in a black spot. We notice the blinking lights that tell us we have missed a call but the phones have never actually rung in the whole time we have been here! My brother has the same problem. My older phone seems more likely to ring than the flash new ones that the boys have. Perhaps the 4G network is not what the hype says it is. I am thinking it could be time for us to move again. Perhaps I could change the criteria I am using to find us a base and narrow it down to a place with reasonable phone reception!!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday...26 January 2014

Australia Day.
We went to dinner with Himself's family at the local RSL club. It has had some renovations since we were there last. Looks very nice.
We ordered six dinners and got five. Himself and his brother both ordered the fisherman's basket but only one was brought to the table and Himself was given that. After a lengthy wait his brother asked when his would arrive only to be told that Himself had eaten his dinner and owing to an error on their part, Himself's dinner was never ordered! One hungry unhappy diner and one brother left feeling a bit guilty for eating the wrong meal. After paying more money we waited while we watched fisherman's basket orders being delivered to other tables and still the brother had no meal. He eventually gave up and asked for his money back and settled for a beer instead with a promise of a bowl of ice cream when he got home! Thank heavens the company was much better than the service!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday...22 January 2014

Big day. After nearly five weeks we left the daughters place in Horsham and travelled three hours across Victoria to my brothers place in Bendigo. As always it was sad leaving but we had a good visit and a lovely Christmas with them and the time does eventually come when we have to move onward.
I celebrated our arrival here by falling on the road in front of my brothers place. I did not allow my legs time to adjust after sitting for three hours and they paid me back by tripping me as I crossed the highway in front of oncoming traffic. As luck would have it I landed on the outer edge of the bitumen and was still thinking enough to roll to the side of the road. I think I probably scared the daylights out of the person driving towards me at 100 km/h! Damage bill seems to be cuts to both palms and strains to both shoulder muscles and bruising and cuts to my right knee and big toe, neither of which like me very much at the moment. I am fairly sure they are going to let me know all about it tomorrow when the real bruising begins to come out!! This is the second time I have fallen and hurt myself in this town. I wonder if it is rejecting me????

Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday...17 January 2014

Heck of a hot day today, just like the four before it! The wind has picked up creating nasty conditions to make things much much worse for the fire fighters all over the state. The fire in the Grampians is doing some serious damage. We can see it from our place although it is about 25 - 30 kms away from us as the crow flies. The local radio has been issuing warnings and alerts all day and there are road closures on the main roads into and around the area. Sadly they have also reported one death and building and stock losses over a wide area and have issued an evacuation notice for the entire town of Halls Gap with Dadwells Bridge also being impacted 35kms up the main highway from here. A cool change arrived this evening but the wind has now turned and is blowing straight towards this town. The air is thick with smoke which is giving our noses a bit of a workout.

The unrelenting heat has been affecting all the animals and native birds as well. Today I spotted an owl sitting on the meter box of the daughters house in the middle of the day. I think it was sitting there as it is beside an open window and there was some of the cool air from the air conditioner blowing through the window. The poor thing had its mouth wide open and was too hot to bother to fly away from us or the curious dogs barking underneath the meter box. There is a small fish pond in the garden and many of the native birds are using it as a birdbath to cool themselves (Note to self: check and see if they have also been fishing!)

Us humans have spent most of the heatwave sitting inside in the air conditioning watching the tennis and cricket and eating simple meals that require little or no preparation and cooking.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thursday...16 January 2014

Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me!  These are my surprise birthday flowers all the way from Queensland. Who is a lucky girl?

And I get the nice warm weather too. Today is going to be 45. Wind has been blowing a gale and we can clearly see lots of smoke coming from a fire somewhere in the Grampians. Just looked that one up on the CFA website and it is in fact two fires burning toward each other. God Bless our firefighters on days like today. They can use all the help they can get from where ever it is available.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday...13 January 2014

Yep summer has arrived! We are promised a five day stretch of 40+. Should be nice and warm. Need to keep an eye on the sky just in case another idiot tries to farm on a total fire ban day. Have turned on the air conditioner and the tennis and will keep movement to a minimum and all will be well.
Other than that I got nothing!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday...8 January 2014

Yesterday I logged in to this blog to write an entry but then found that I simply could not find the words for what I wanted to say and while I was looking for inspiration I got side tracked. The moment has passed so I guess I will have to wait until next year.
The weather has warmed slightly again. Is this summer I see coming?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sunday...5 January 2014

The tail end of Cyclone Christine has arrived in Victoria! At least I think it has.
For the past two days it has been blowing a gale here and the temperatures have dropped into the low 20's. Our caravan is tucked into the shed which is providing plenty of shelter for us but the wind is so strong it is still making the van rock even inside the shed. We are all getting around with jumpers and long pants on. No doubt the real summer will finally arrive one day and we will all complain that it is too hot and half of us will have colds from the ever changing hot and cold crazy weather.
Will spend the day baking as I have  promised the grandchildren lots more of Nanny's tasty tucker.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Friday...3 January 2014

Love the lazy post Christmas days of summer. The world feels like it is marching on the spot, just waiting for the command to move forward into the working part of the new year. Around us the harvest is done and farmers are tidying their farms so that they too can have a bit of down time before the next cycle starts.
We sleep late, watch the cricket and tennis on television and stay up late to watch the Hopman Cup (more tennis) although it would be nice to see the Aussies just a little closer to the top of that event!
Housework is kept to a minimum and meal service is relaxed and light. A very pleasant hiatus in what is otherwise a busy life as we go about our travels. We have had much discussion on possible places to visit this year but as yet no serious decisions have been made.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014