The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday...29 October 2015

Daughter has had to go to the city for a two day workshop for her job. I was asked if I would look after Little Miss Happy (nearly one year old grand daughter) for a few hours each day to give her daddy a rest. Of course I would, bring it on, this will be fun I said! All that time and we do not have to share with Mummy and Daddy. Lucky us!
Do any of my readers remember how much effort goes into entertaining small people? It was only for four hours and by the time daddy came back to rescue us I was a limp dish rag! It took a very actively mobile small person to show me how many nooks and crannies there really are in one small caravan. I spent most of the time running from one end to the other and then sitting myself  "just so" to cover up her access to forbidden treasure such as computer cords and fast moving fans. So far she has not managed to open any low level cupboards but no doubt that will happen eventually. We are going to do it all again today and I am hoping my energy levels are up for it!

1 comment:

  1. Wait until she's 5 she will want to follow you everywhere and the questions keep coming.
    Why, what for, how come, I don't want to are just a few to mention. Nana NOW !!!!!!!
