The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday ...24 June

No I did not forget yesterday!!! We left Kalbarri just after lunch, having waited patiently for the constant downpours to ease up...ha ha. We went as far as Nerrin Nerrin which is a wayside stop (without mobile reception) 82kms north of the Kalbarri turnoff.  A total trip of 150km for the day, children please note, it did  happen, we travelled less than forever in a day. Us and around two dozen like minded nomads spent the night at this pleasant little wayside stop, complete with composting toilet.... and solar powered night light. The folks in the caravan next to us were seriously old,  in fact the wife said her husband was an OBE, which stands for Over Bloody Eighty, I thought that was a particularly good quote and showed a wonderful sense of humour. Later in the evening I was doing a few laps of the parking lot for exercise and the old boy joined me. We got to chatting and I found out that not only does he have his funny OBE but he also has a real OBE, for 30+ years service in Local Govt!!!! So now I have met my first real OBE too. Fascinating fella, he kept telling the other occupants of the park that he had hooked himself a rich new girlfriend (me!). lol. Got up this morning to the sound of someones radio playing the news that Julia Gillard is now Australia's first woman Prime Minister. WTG Julia and good luck. Will be interesting to see how she copes. Then it was onto Carnarvon (250-ish kms for the day) arriving at lunchtime. We checked into the caravan park and walked next door to the IGA supermarket and got a bit of meat for tea. Then we went downtown and got me a super large box of anti itch pills for the sandfly bits I am covered in. Note to anyone reading with a interest in the subject.....vicks vapour rub does wonders on sandfly bites!!! Was given the hint yesterday and thought yeah right, but desperation last night in the middle of nowhere and I tried it and it works, and as an added bonus, my ankles don't seem to have a  My day for wins, the Woolies liquor shop had a special on my wine, same stuff I was drinking in Kalbarri was on special for $8 a bottle, bought a carton of six. But wait there was more, my chateau cardboard was also on a two for one special so am now stocked up for quite some time .(lmao) . Saw a  bloke in Kalbarri with zips in his tourneau making it fit around the turntable when in transit and easier to seal when the van is unhooked. We are staying here a couple of days and have booked to have the tournau cover altered tomorrow so that it fits around the turntable better. Bring on the industrial zips.


  1. are you sure you're feeling ok? i travel further than that to go shopping

  2. feeling fine, nice to see the scenery at last....

  3. Sounds great, so have you run out of wine yet??

    Also, have you seen the new clicky things for mozzie and sandfly bites? They cost about $20 and give you a little zap which helps with the itching??

  4. not seen clicky things but did you read about my news regards vicks rub for sand fly bites?
