The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday...27 June

Boring ho hum day today. Up early and set off on the 368km hike to Exmouth. We fell into our old habits of just keeping on keeping on until we arrived, but really should have stopped at least once on the way, we were bone weary on arrival. The vehicle of course purred along without missing a beat and the van followed without a flutter of any sort, which encouraged us to continue when we should have made a point of stopping for a cuppa or lunch or some such excuse. We passed the Tropic of Capricorn today and said ah ha we are definately in the North West now, this was confirmed when lots and lots of anthills appeared. Had nearly forgotten them, but so majestic and so many of them. We made camp here in Exmouth and had time to wander over the road to the Information centre and Himself made a booking to go deep sea fishing tomorrow. Once we came back from there we took a short, no long, stroll around the caravan park and met many proud dog owners. This park allows pets at the discretion of the management and by the look of it this translates to small dogs. Many varieties on display around the park. Am very impressed with the behaviour of the dogs and their owners. To think I  had to go this far to see genuinely responsible pet owners.Then it was time for happy hour, and a very happy time it was too. The neighbours came over and chatted and produced pizza for tea so Himself is now under pressure to perform tomorrow as I have invited the same neighbours to dinner tomorrow night to eat the fish he has yet to catch. Whislt he is fishing I will wander in the direction of the local shopping centre to see if there is any chance of a haircut. That and a spot of washing should take care of my day...hope yours is as pleasant.


  1. Responsbile pet owners? What am I? Chopped liver *pate with a side of parsley???*

  2. well what happened to r.i.p black cat?
