The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday... 17 June

IT DID NOT RAIN TODAY. Very cold, dull and overcast but no rain. What a blessing. Boys were atop the shed banging away merrily, nothing quite like the sound of a hammer hitting metal....constantly. We walked to the shops and carried humungus loads home on foot or should that read on our backs? The road to the shops is downhill. Unfortunatley the road home from same shops is not. Much huffing and puffing and stopping to admire non existant scenery or gardens! After lunch we strolled to our favourtite look out, and listened to the sound of a  hammer hitting metal.....constantly. Rather surpirising to hear it that far away,but proved the point that it is very loud and the neighbours are very patient and forgiving. Wonder if it was why absolutely nothing was happening out to sea. No boats, no whales, no dolphins, no storms, no fishermen, no water spouts. Couple of people fishing from the rocks at the mouth of the river, some energetic sorts walking their dogs but otherwise all was empty and quiet on land and at sea. We had a party of four join our party of four for happy hour tonight. Much merriment and shared laughter. An enjoyable few hours.


  1. glad to see you are enjoying your new lifestyle.

  2. yep we got this retirement thing nearly sorted!
