The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday ....12 June

Today we  went to the Rainbow Jungle Bird Park here in Kalbarri. This park breeds parrots of all sorts from around the world.The collection is stunning. Birds of all sizes from tiny to massive. Birds of all colors and what vibrant exotic colors. The plummage was everything from ho hum to wow and there was even one parrot that measured over a metre in wing span. Hard to pick a favourite, but I quite liked the Princess Parrot, medium sized featuring a pretty peachy colored bib. The macaws have such vibrant vivid colors and they are massive birds, they make our local parrots look a bit tiny.Macaws of all colors, blues, red, yellow, green, purple, orange, black. I saw black parrots with yellow trim, black parrots with white trim, black parrots with red tails. I saw the Rosella sauce parrot and the bird that is on the Arnotts biscuit tins too. Of course they had our white cockatoo, and corellas, and pink and grey galahs and the major mitchell cockatoos. They had pretty lovebird parrots and bright bright yellow parrots . The best thing about this park was that they had a huge undercover open area that the birds could fly free in and actually get wind under their wings. The avairys were very clean, all had plenty of clean water and seed and fruit and vegetables and they are actively breeding birds to help keep certain species from extinction so most were in breeding pairs of male and females with very informative signage on the avairys making it easy to tell male from female etc . A stunningly beautiful park full of color and happy inmates.
So no we did not have time to go white water rafting, I would like to do the river cruise up the Murchison, but no one wants to go with me, I did not do beading today, we did discuss skydiving at some stage during the evening happy hour, (a most merry happy hour it was too), I did not make lemon sago, only lemon and herb chicken in a shake bag, I am not pregnant and I have no intention of going to Hutt River Province and giving Prince Lenard or Princess Shirley, any of our hard earned money so as to be able to look around their farm. I know we are sitting within cooee of their place, but as they are now collecting Australian pensions after not having paid tax for the past few decades, I feel they have lost any credibility! as have the govt that allows them to do so.......


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. wrote you a big response here

    pics, we want pics :) sounds like you had a fun day
