The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thursday...19 May 2011

Yes Yes I know I already blogged today, but that was really a catch up for the day before, which I missed due to illness and medication!!!
Today however has been a bumper day for us.
We packed up and left lovely Condobolin on the banks of the Lachlan river and tootled down the road about 60kms and stopped to visit a brother who is currently planting 20,000 acres of crop on one of the big stations in this area! What started as a quick hello at the front gate ended up with us stopping for lunch, big thanks to Carmen who got two extra to feed with little to no warning. Great to catch up with Hamish, like I said before it really is a small world. He lives in Victoria, we normally live in Western Australia and here we were having lunch together at someone else's property in NSW!
After lunch we went on to Forbes to collect an aerial we had ordered for our car to improve our mobile phone reception in some of the more out of the way places then we went to Parkes and just out of there we detoured to look at "The Dish", which we all know is the Australian radio telescope that had a very important part in the landing of man on the moon. Only 21kms north of Parkes and definately worth a look if you are in that area. Looking is free!!
We were lucky enough to be there when they were changing the angles of its dish, first it was flat like a pancake then when they moved it it was nearly standing on its edge. Most exciting to hear and see. Wonder what  they were tracking......

We continued on to until darkness made us think that perhaps it was time to find a resting place for the night and while we would have like to have made it to Dubbo, we have pulled into a small town called Peak Hill. Small park, cheap and cheerful and the park has drive through bays which always pleases us, means Himself gets an easy job of parking the big rig.
We have been reading the blurb they give you when you get to caravan parks and it seems this particular park has a fossil museum called The Big Fish Fossil Hut somewhere in the park, so we will look at it before departing tomorrow. Could be very interesting, and park patrons get free entry!
Tomorrow is Dubbo and maybe beyound. Have been trying to contact a very good friend there and all details I have are no longer valid, beginning to wonder if they have moved. Postscript to that comment, my friend has Townsville!
So it would seem we shall move further north than expected, I wonder where we will end up?

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