The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday...20 May 2011

Before I forget again, one of our grandsons, (the eldest!) got himself a diesel mechanic apprenticeship this week, beginning on June 3. Well done and congratulations, you should be very proud of yourself young man. It will take heaps of seriously hard work to bring home that important piece of paper in four years time. We know you can do it.

Now back to me........
How time flies, seems like only yesterday we were here going south, now here we are back again only this time going north.
Woke up to warmer weather this morning in Peak Hill, I did put the heater on but only the little electric one for half an hour to take the chill off the air. We are in jeans and tshirts! By the time we hit Qld we should be back into shorts......yes yes.
Another nice easy day today. Lazy take off, last one out of the park. About an hour up the road we stopped for lunch at Gilgandra. Gilgandra calls itself the home of the Coooeeee. Had a lovely meal at a local cafe just near the visitor information place. Was a good choice but we really only went there as there was lots of good parking at the tourism place and the cafe was just over the road a bit.
Another hour up the road and over the Warrumbungle Range, big but not as scary as some of the hills we have crossed and the road is wonderful, but bumpy in places but wide and cut into hills as much as possible, we arrived again at Coonabarabran.
Today I noticed a couple of really interesting rural letter boxes. One was made from pipe and railway line and was shaped as a person sitting on a log reading the paper waiting for the mail..very clever. I have seen various interesting letter boxes along the way and I believe I vaguely remember hearing of a book that was published on just such a subject. The one that took my vote today was one that began life as a standard farm drum and became a dalmation dog. Really wished there had been the chance to stop and take a picture of that one. Brilliantly done, wagging tail, panting tongue, wobbling head and fairly new as the paintwork was still bright.
It is difficult to see these things far enough ahead to try to stop and of course the big rig cannot stop in three metres...particularly if you have a couple of Melbourne to Sydney trucks right up your back door at the time!!!
Perhaps one day we will pass it again.

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