The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday...19 June 2011

Another lazy day. Changed the bed and washed the dirty sheets. Had to chase the sun around to get them dry. The clothes lines are attached to the side of the ablution block and are in shade by 1pm! Very much the early bird getting the sun here.
After lunch we went out to Ria's again to have one last cuppa and chat. Has been wonderful to see her and Kevin and their neighbours again. Like all good friends we picked up right where we left off 15 years ago and chatted our heads off. Lots of catching up and plenty of news about people we used to know in Para.
Tomorrow is moving day again. No idea yet where we are going, but Bundaberg is only an hour or so up the road. Just been told the plan is to go to 1770 (yes its a town). It is about half an hour north of Bundaberg. Should be a nice easy day's travelling.

1 comment:

  1. So where did you end up?
    Also, why dont you buy a magnetic drying rack?
    then you can just stick it to the side of the caravan
