The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday...30 November 2014

So surprised. The bus people have left us. I woke to the sound of their music and thought to myself golly you are a bit early this time girls, but then I looked at the clock and discovered I had actually had myself a bit of a sleep in and they were not that early after all. Shortly after that, they and their bus departed. Just when we were about to ask them to dinner too.....NOT.
It is time for us to make our next payment to the office and we had been debating just how long we could put up with them for neighbours and what our options were if they stayed much longer.
Lets hope whoever gets that site next are the usual couple of days visitors or at least someone who has a better understanding of caravan park living!
Himself is still coughing up a storm and after feeling wonderful for a couple of days I have got up this morning with a nasty cough and do not feel too flash. Living in a caravan sort of confines all those germs to a small area, thus making sure that everyone in that area shares the toxic air. I have tried to get Himself to go to a doctor but he will not go. I have come to the conclusion he will see a doctor one the morgue!
Being ill is not something we do very well. We are both horrible patients. Full of advice to others but completely ignore that same advice when it comes to ourselves. In the meantime I guess we can push fluids, eat lightly, rest and try not to share our bugs with too many others.
I am off to take my aches and cough to bed. See you all again on the other side of this dark cloud!!!

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