The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Saturday...15 November 2014

Now look here Boss Man, you know I am not a happy camper when You send the wind and rain and thunder and lightning at night time. I am not happy not being able to see what is making all that noise out there in the darkness! My scardy cat levels go through the roof in the dark. They are not improved by the sound of Himself laughing at my nervous twitching!
I thought that after all those years of sitting through cyclones in the dark You would cut me some slack in my retirement and send this noisy stuff in daylight so that I can see what is happening around me. I am much braver when I can see what is happening. It is raining, there is continuous thunder that goes on and on and on. The weather mob say it will have passed by the morning, I do hope they know what they are talking about!. I do not mind rain, we need it any time we can get it in this arid continent of ours, I do not like getting it in the dark while I am in a tissue thin caravan. As soon as there is a drop of rain or a hint of a breeze my mind starts flashing like a set of kids learning cards with graphic pictures of the damage that has been done to caravans during nasty storms. There goes another nights sleep!

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