The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday...15 September 2012

Planned a long lazy sleep in today. Did not plan for the sun to be so bright so early! Woke at 5.50am. Tried to get back to sleep but it just was not happening...grrr. Me and my shingles really could use some rest.
Got up and gazed at my new kitchen floor while I had my wake up cup of tea, simply love it. Himself even unbolted the table and we moved it and other stuff around trying new looks but eventually put it back in its original spot. We did however change where the chairs would sit. All this mundane stuff is big changes in a caravan. Tomorrow I am off to the Caloundra markets to find some bits and bobs to pretty up our home.
At lunchtime today I went to watch the grandson play his tennis tournament. He played several matches over the day but did not make the finals. Such a shame as the scorecard really did not do justice to the level of play on the day.  His last game was riveting to watch. The two players were fairly evenly matched and it came down to a tie breaker to decide the winner, jolly good effort by both players at the end of a long long day. Well done Carter.
Thumbs down for the small child who talked at the top of his voice all the way through the last game and distracted everyone. Thumbs up for the Caloundra Tennis Club's organization of the tournament.
While I was off watching the tennis, Himself put together his new toy, a four foot long model helicopter. It has had its maiden flight but there are too many tiny tots in the caravan park right now, so it will be mothballed until a suitable space is found to fly it. Will be exciting to watch him. Maybe this will be the start of him wanting his own helicopter licence. Then again maybe buying it was the hint. Who knows? He does seem fairly pleased with himself. I wonder if we can afford a real helicopter? Maybe not, after all where would we park it? Parking the model in our caravan is going to be an exercise in creativity!

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