The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday...14 September 2012

Never even made it to the shops so no shopping till I dropped today.
The daughter and I set off before 9am to do a delivery run for her business with a plan to shop afterwards. Not even ten minutes into the schedule the phone rang with another order. So it was back to base to make up that order, and part way through making that one the phone rang again. I was allowed to help by putting on stickers today. Soon I will be able to mount a take over! By the time she made the extra orders and we hit the road again to deliver them, (the deliveries were scattered all over the sunshine coast area), we got done and came home again at 3.30pm. Back at base the daughter finally had lunch and the support crew had a well earnt cuppa, and that folks was a day in the life of one little business, a busy productive business which is sure to succeed if hard work and dedication are indicators.
Oh and we went through at least 349 roundabouts!  The Sunshine Coast Council must have got a two for one deal on roundabouts. Brilliant for traffic flow and cheap as chips to maintain but no fun when you have to go around soooooooo many of them in one days driving. I am not a fan of them as I always feel like I am about to fall out the passenger side door when going around them. Daughter and I spent the day joking about desensitising me to roundabouts.

She of the constant energy then invited us to dinner and we the aged ones gratefully accepted! Was a good night, bbq cooked by the son in law with potato bake and salad to accompany it. Very tasty. Nice wine too.
While we were off touring the countryside doing deliveries, Himself ripped out the carpet in the kitchen/dining  part of the caravan. It looks wonderful and has made the area look enormous and will help to keep the dirt off the remaining carpet. Will need some minor tidying up tomorrow but I am seriously happy with the outcome.
Now, what else have I been hoping to get done?????

1 comment:

  1. Something for Nana to ponder "maybe roundabouts don't like you either" hahaha
