The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wednesday...13 April 2011

Well I woke up this morning so I guess I did not die overnight and therefore am not that sick after all. Those that were hoping for a different outcome should have a nice stiff drink and wait a bit longer! When I was younger and had kids to look after, like all mothers, I continued on regardless of how I felt, usually muttering (and often not very quietly!) about how kids and husbands were ungrateful, unfeeling etc. These days I have noticed that my pain threshold is much lower than it used to be, even broken fingers make me say ouch now!......Maybe that is because now I can afford the luxury of not always having to think of others first.
Another chilly day here in Victoria, really is time we started making plans to move towards the nice warm sunny places. Still lots to be done before we go so I guess we should get used to being penguins. We have to put on so many layers of clothes we look like penguins when we try to walk.
On a more positive note, with all the talk about heating bills getting higher, living in a caravan makes heating much easier, we turn the heater on then turn it off again within half an hour as it is then too hot. Very easy to heat a small space, versus a whole house. Yes I know some of you have lovely wood burning fires or central heating but I bet my power bill is not as high as yours.


  1. I find for most of Perth's winter I only need my lap kitty on 1 bar, it is only occasionally I go to the effort of having the lap kitty on 2 bar.... ps Fred says Hi
    pps you realise RRV is generally not contagious? unless you happen to be in the tropics and taste good to mossies

  2. i see your two cats and raise you one!
    RRV is in epidemic proportions owing to the constant flooding over here. Every second person seems to have it. And I only got sick the day after we got back from let me Darwin tropical???? Probably caught a flu from someone on a plane.

  3. i just got invited to join a RRV vaccine trial
