The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday...23 September 2015

Himself got his F250 back from the paint and panel shop late on Monday afternoon. It does look nice. He had the roof and bonnet resprayed as it was deteriorating rather badly and looking seriously patchy. Along with the paint job came a nice new windscreen. To paint the roof and bonnet properly they needed to take the windscreen out and the old one was due for replacement as it had several nasty stone chips in it. Then Himself and his mate noticed that the headlights looked tired so they ordered new bits and have done a renovation on them too. Himself also got out the vacuum cleaner and gave the inside a real going over before "stuff" went back into it. Hmm Hmm, all nice and new again.
While they were busy out front I got busy out back and did the washing. If this keeps up we are in serious danger of being described as "active" again!!!
The weather yesterday and today has been glorious. Cool in the morning but once the sun gets with the program the day is wonderfully warm and then it cools off again around sunset. Perfect!
My recipe collection is increasing daily as Her indoors is cooking up a storm. Who would want to go to restaurants when you have your own at home? Yesterday was Chicken, Feta and Spinach parcels in Fillo pastry. Today's lunch was Spinach Quiche and tonight dinner is Scotch Steak, Eggs and Chips.The other day we had Rhubarb cake and Rhubarb and Apple Crumble has also been on the menu. I love visiting these people. I always leave a few ton heavier but it is SO worth it!!!!


  1. Where do these people live I could do with some of the great food you have described. When are you coming back east again. We have been home 5 days now and everything is same, same again. I have caught up on most of the washing and John is cleaning the inside and out of the van, as in and under everything is dust and dirt. It keeps him busy. we would love to catch you again soon so don't stay away to long. Love T & J
