The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday...18 January 2015

I had a birthday a few days ago, no need to shout them from mountain tops any more, there has been way too many of them lately! Anyway prior to the day one of the kids asked me what I wanted for a gift and to be honest I really have just about everything I need now, however there are a couple of little things I would like. So I told her please buy me a front door. Yes I know that sounds a little bit odd but you see I was working on the idea that if someone gave me a front door then I just might be lucky enough to have someone else buy me the house to put on my new front door. I thought it was very good forward thinking on my part.
Now this particular child is devilishly clever and a door was a bit much for her gift giving budget so instead she gave me a front door entrance set. I am still looking for someone to give me a door or even a whole house but when I do get it I have a lovely new door latch and key set to put on it. How lucky can one mum be?

The day before my birthday I had a marvellous time shopping with a friend from the west who now lives here. We walked for bloody miles and looked in nearly every shop there was. Neither of us bought very much and neither of us could walk very well at the end but we had a grand time together. We will try to do it again before I leave this area.
Then on the day of my birthday, some friends from Melbourne came to visit the daughter and her new baby and we had a great time catching up. They have a new car and they decided to give the gps a try out. It took them what it claimed to be the shortest route and it probably was in distance but was the longest in time owing to traffic and road works. They arrived later than they expected but it was so very good to see them. They are always a delight to talk to. And they came bearing gifts, even better!!
In the evening we went to Himself's brothers place and I was surprised with a birthday cake, complete with candles. Sadly I can no longer blow out more than one candle at a time so I have decided that any more cakes will only ever have the one token candle on them. It took way too long to blow this lot out. The icing was melting by the time I got done.
The next day another surprise. The daughter from Horsham arrived. She had planned to visit the day before but had not said so and she was way too tired for the long drive when she finished work so sensibly put it off until she had had a good nights sleep. She had one of her boys with her. We had a slap up lunch with them at the other daughters place so that she and her son could also see the baby as well as us.
Tonight we all went out again for our usual Sunday night outing with Himself's family at one of the local clubs. No wonder this old nanny is feeling tired.
It rained again this week. No floods but it was heavy enough to make our vehicle aquaplane a couple of times and the traffic on the open road was slower as visibility was not very good. The weather has turned cooler which is most welcome. Warm but not hot days and cool nights, great for sleeping.

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