The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Saturday...10 January 2015

Now that the sunburn has stopped stinging I can continue with my opinion on various aspects of life in general or more particularly my life!
So we had sweltering heat for a few days, the air conditioner got a good workout, the wind continued to blow fairly strongly which made a lot of Victorians nervous. It reminded them of the way things were on Black Saturday. There have been fires, some of them quite large, but so far no loss of life. Things are very different in South Australia where I am sure they are very happy to see this rain we are getting to help them stop a very large fire in the hills that has caused untold damage.
So as I said it is now raining. It started yesterday and apparently we got 41 mm in seven minutes. That is nearly two inches of rain on the old scale and of course getting that much that quick caused flooding all over the place. Stores were closed when water entered them and some cars in low lying areas were submerged as the streets flooded. Most of that has now run off but the rain continued today, nothing dramatic, just constant steady light rain. Too late to save the Victorian grain harvest which was a complete disaster with farmers being lucky if they got enough grain to plant again this year, providing the banks let them, but it is going to green up peoples gardens which were beginning to look a bit dry and tired and it has filled water tanks and water storage such as dams and lakes all over the place.
With the rain has come cooler temperatures. I had to get out the blankets and the cardigans again. It is very hard to know what the weather will do next.

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