The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday...13 May 2014

A funny thing happened on our way to .........where ever it is we are going!
The last caravan into the park last night, just on dusk, was people from Victoria that we have met several times at my sisters place. Could not believe my eyes when I saw them. I followed them and said hello and they came to our caravan for a short happy hour once they had set up their camp. It really is a small world. Like they said, you would not be able to find anyone way out here if you were looking for them but we found each other just like that! Today Himself will try to help them fix a small problem that needs a soldering iron which of course we just happen to have somewhere deep in the bowels of our under van storage!
You meet all sorts of people in caravan parks from all sorts of places.
Our mail did not arrive as expected so we have booked for two more nights here. There are worse places to get stopped. Here we have sunshine and warmth and lots of things happening around us.
I have another of my nasty headaches so will appreciate not having to sit in the car all day bouncing down the road.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate and Keith,
    Kate,Hope you are feeling better soon again as the BL..... headaches are the worst when you get them.
    We are in Port Lincoln national park in the sunshine and peace and tranquillity.
    John is trying to kill a few fish for tea. He just got back with no fish again but he says he enjoyed it.
    Now it is Lunch time so feel better and enjoy the trip you are on
