The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday...24 April 2013

So after our big day on Saturday, we had a 'down' day on Sunday to recuperate.  We were due to leave Murray Bridge on Monday but it was raining so we put it off for another day.
On Tuesday we moved all the way to Mt Barker, (50 km up the road!).
Here we can walk to the shops which is rather handy. Neither of us owns much cold weather gear so a trip to the shops was needed to buy a couple of jumpers. Grey and overcast again this morning and fine misty rain all morning. As I write this the sun has come out for the first time in two days. Well there you go, it has gone as quickly as it came!
We have booked to stay here for a week which should give us time to catch up with old friends from the north west and also have a look around historic Hahndorf.


  1. Great to hear from You again, I try to imagine going to all these lovely places. maybe when John retires

  2. We were busy on the weekend. a niece got married and John and I were chief Videoographers and photographer.
    Weather was prefect and the bride radiant the groom handsome.
    garden wedding at my bros and his wife, what a lovely setting. I was worried about the weather as 2 days before is teamed down. the gods were watching over them that's for sure,
    Weather a bit dark today started of well but now gloomy.
