The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Saturday...8 December 2012

Life continues on with nothing exciting happening.
The Aunt and Uncle have returned from Sydney which is pleasing. They have ticks on their report cards which is even better. They will need to go back in a few months for follow ups but for now all is well.
This means we can all relax and enjoy the festive season.
Did I mention that while they were away we had a snake in the house paddock?  Himself saw it crossing the path that leads from the house to our caravan just after afternoon tea one day. By the time he found a shovel it had slithered out of sight in the general area of the woodpile. He rattled and banged and moved wood but no sighting so here is hoping that it was merely passing through and not a resident! For now we walk along that path with eyes in overdrive. The funny thing is that the three house cats usually sit and sun themselves in that section of the garden but of course on that particular day they were nowhere to be seen.
Yesterday we drove 250kms to Orange to do a spot of shopping.
Must say that Orange is a very pretty place. So after taking 20 minutes to travel one town block in busy traffic while looking for a parking spot and dealing with dawdling pedestrians that have the right of way but were so slow crossing the road at the lights it was only allowing one maybe two cars to turn the corner for each light change (took us four light changes to turn the corner!) we finally found a park right outside the local police station!
I got very frustrated trying to find things and came home disgruntled with only a couple of bags of shopping. We only had the one day and it took five hours of that in travel time. Think I will stick with sending cards stuffed with money. I know that is not very original but at least the recipients get something!
When we got back to our town it was late so we had dinner at the Club before coming back to the farm. Today I ache all over and feel like I could go back to bed and sleep for a week.

1 comment:

  1. Would you like me to send you Fred? He's very good at finding snakes....

    Also, since when do we go looking for snakes in wood piles? My mother always told me she'll flog me black and blue if I bring home a snake, dead, alive or dissected......
