The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saturday...22 December 2012

Most unhappy. For some reason I cannot access this blog without jumping through a million hoops. Might be time to bury the blog! And hey Google, what's with this new toolbar you have added to my screen that I cannot delete? It is covering the access buttons attached to the blog. I do not care how bright and clever you folk are, we chose this particular blog programme for the simplicity of use and you have now made it so hard. How many times do you people have to be told, if it is not broken then do not fix it!!!!!!!
Our eldest grandson turned 18 yesterday. He is probably over the moon about that. I am pleased for him but  shudder at how old that makes us! Do hope his first legal beer was nice and cold after a hard day at work.
The house cats bought us a 'present' two days ago. So good of them but golly I wish they had told me it was at the front door before I opened it and had one foot in the air. Fair did give me a fright. There it was nicely laid out, how was I to know at first glance it was dead? Still I made a point of finding all three cats and giving them a good rub down and scratch to show them I appreciate their gift. That is now two snakes in the house yard so far this year. Heaven knows how many more we have NOT seen!
Got woken at 3am a couple of nights ago by something that sounded sort of like a dog barking. The farm dogs were sound asleep. The Aunt tells me it was probably a fox. Guess he went home hungry as we have all chooks in the hen house accounted for still. Himself tells me he has seen groups of emus in the outer paddocks and yesterday coming home from town I spotted several kangaroos around the rapidly drying water holes along the road verge. It is nearly as warm here as that place up north we used to live in. The temperature range for the time of year is very similar.
The Aunt is expecting her daughter home for Christmas so there will be much merriment and laughter to brighten her festive season. The folk at the second house are also expecting visitors that include three small children so I guess we had better watch out for low flying reindeer.
Ok, bring it on, we are ready.
Merry Christmas to one and all.

1 comment:

  1. what toolbar?

    Also tomorrow will be 39C here. I was under the impression I had moved south. It is currently -42C in Kazakhstan and -25C in Germany. Take a stab in the dark which is more appealing.....
