The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wednesday...1 April 2015

Yesterday we took a drive up to Coffs Harbour.
It rained most of the way there and all they way back! And...... Although it is only 56 km, they are doing upgrades of the highway for all but a couple of km and this means the top speed allowed is 80 kph. There are signs all over saying it is a high crash zone. I am not surprised. Most drivers would lose concentration stuck in the snail trail it has become.
We went to the jetty for lunch. When in doubt always go to the sea front for local fish and chips, you are sure to get the best. And always go where the crowds are. It usually means the food is good. Not so yesterday. Maybe I was having an off day but the fish smelt like last weeks left overs and my potato cakes were inedible. They smelt and were overcooked and ultra greasy, one mouthful and I threw them out. The chips were alright but totally lacked flavour. Even with extra salt they were still bland. Himself said the fish was ok too but I could not eat it. I think he has a cast iron stomach!
Now something Coffs definitely has is all the big name stores. So we gave up on the tourist stuff and went shopping. We need a new outside table as the last one has died of old age. Two visits in the pouring rain to two big outlets and two times we struck out! Just not our day.
Maybe we will find what we need at the next town. Note to self, look out for the Big Banana as we go through Coffs again tomorrow on our way north



  1. Gee your up early, Hope you have better luck Table hunting in the next town.
