The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Saturday...21 March 2015

Went to Sydney today.
Did another of our rocking chair rides.
Came up from Nowra to Shoalhaven then turned and went across to Picton where we joined the Hume Hwy, M31 and followed it in until we hit the M7  and it took us into Pennant Hills and after a short introduction to the real Sydney traffic of about 7 km we turned off onto the M1 and bingo we were out the other side and heading for Newcastle. How easy was that?
Now the reality was just a little bit different, but I kinda like my version. In it I am a calm contented serene passenger who was not hurling abuse at cars around me and squealing like a banshee from go to whoa! Himself has the patience of a saint, either that or he was too busy with the traffic to take his hands off the wheel to throttle me as I am sure he would think of doing when I am being Nervous Nellie!
It took us nearly six hours all up but at least that is one of the hard bits done and dusted. We never intended to stop in Sydney, we were only going through it because we are trying to travel as close to the coast as we can manage with this rig of ours.
We have stopped for the night in a little place called Raymond Terrace, what a funny name for a town, sounds more like a street to me. Choice of two caravan parks, guess who picked the worst of the two? Just for once the book we use to make our choices had it wrong. Oh well it is for one night only then we are off again.

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