The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tuesday...17 June 2014

We got away on time, well for us anyway, and had a good day travelling to Mackay. The car ran like a dream and only smelt funny for a couple of hours as the little bit of residual oil burnt itself off the engine parts.
So here we are, it is threatening to rain but cannot quite do it. We have decided to stay two nights before we head north again to Townsville.
During the day we found ourselves in a slow moving convoy created when a caravan dawdled down the road at a set 80 km and while the road was good quality it seriously lacked overtaking lanes or opportunities. We were the third caravan in the lead line with two more behind us then a row of trucks behind that. After putting up with the situation for nearly an hour we decided to do the honourable thing and turned into a roadhouse with the thought that the trucks at least would had one less caravan to over take along the way. Wouldn't you know it, the trucks pulled into the same roadhouse!! We ended up doing a slow drive through and then rejoined the traffic which had moved far enough ahead to leave us with moving room on the road. One can only try to be a good road user. It does not always work out!

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