The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thursday...12 June 2014

We did it again. Set off to do a couple of hours down/up the road and ended up going all damn day! Wanted to only go a certain way then stop and maybe even free camp for a couple of days, but alas we cannot do that as the water pump is not working. There was water leaking out of the back of the van while we were in Bourke but Himself thought it was because he had over filled the tank. We forgot about it until the other night while we were camping at the factory. We were feeling lazy and decided not to bother hooking up to the town water supply for the one night. This is when we discovered that the pump is no longer working.
So anyway we ended up going from Gympie to Rockhampton which Google tells me is 468 km.
Now both of us were feeling somewhat tired and sore after that long haul but alas that was not the worst of a bad day. While we were setting up camp in a lovely caravan park on the banks of the Fitzroy River, we noticed that we had developed a bad oil leak somewhere under the bonnet. It was bad enough to be an actual puddle under the car. Himself took a look, told me to hope for the best then started muttering to himself in terms of thousands of dollars! Today he took himself and the vehicle off to the local Ford dealer and came back with a booking for tomorrow and his fingers crossed that it may only be an O ring and not a more expensive option. Fingers crossed. I will do my best not to mention that tomorrow is Friday the 13th!!

1 comment:

  1. gee you seem to have bad luck too on your travels like we had last year and again this year.
    we are home now and John has installed a power board near where I sit so I don't have to run the cords for the com. and the like from the other end of the van. It sits nicely in where the fire extinguisher was under the table . Bloodly stupid place to have it anyway as no-one would think to look there for it so now he has put the ext. in the draw near the door and he is going to put a label on the front of the draw so if required people will see.
    He also put in a new water pump as the other one died the night before we got home from Eyre Pen.
    Wish we were up where you are as it is very cold and wet down here. we're thinking of heading to Q'land next year.
    Stay safe and no more hick ups for you on your adventures
    Cheers Toni and John
