The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday...20 October 2012

Yesterday, as is our routine, we went into town late afternoon to do some shopping then went to the local RSL club for dinner before coming home after dark. 
We may have stayed a little longer at the club as they had a group playing reasonable songs , (insert original rock and roll from the late fifties and early sixties), however they persisted in playing at force 10.  Honestly, I like my music but I was in full agreement with the elderly aunt and uncle who insisted on leaving because of the volume. It was ear and head hurting and sadly there was no need for it. Most of the diners who were of a similar age group to ourselves left. Why the club didn't ask them to play at a more reasonable volume for the initial dinner time then allow them to crank it up at say 10pm is beyond me. 
Anyway, on the way home we saw a few bits of wild life which is what prompted me to make this entry. We nearly run over a hare and not much further down the road we saw a fox. And on previous trips we have met up with kangaroos and varied birds usually around the local grain depots.

Closer to home as we turned off the bitumen and onto the dirt road leading to this farm we spotted a mother fox breast feeding her two tiny little cubs in the long grass on the side of the track. They quickly high tailed it out of there as we came closer. And tonight a couple of young lads who are related to the owners of this property came out from town and have gone shooting. They are hoping to find some wild pigs. They are sure to find some kangaroos and maybe a fox or two as well as rabbits if they are quick enough.
There are some sheep and a few cattle here, but most of the ground right now is sown to crops which are rapidly ripening in the current hot and windy days. In another couple of weeks harvest will begin and there will be no time for the people on the land to enjoy themselves. It will be hard work from daylight to well after dark for days and even weeks on end. Life takes on a sort of frantic panic as the farmers try to get their crops out of the paddock and into the silos before Mother Nature thwarts them by dumping unwanted rain or dust storms or cold snaps on them. It is a mad duel between farmers and the weather. If they are lucky they will get their harvest done and be able to relax and enjoy Christmas before the whole cycle starts again in the new year. If not, ah well there is always next year...if the bank manager does not foreclose!

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