The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wednesday...30 July 2014

Another perfect day in the outer reaches of Qld.
The other day in Blackall we had an early morning fog and later in the morning as we were travelling along in bright sunshine we came to what looked like a wall of brown cloud and when we got under it, it turned out to be fog too! I have never driven into fog in broad daylight. It was eerie!
Now you will be pleased to know that there is still no shortage of fools riding push bikes around Australia. We continue to pass them on an average of one or two a day. The other day we also passed someone walking along the road pulling a little cart!
Himself wandered off to the Charleville Observatory the other night and had a good look at the night sky. According to the handout he bought home, every time you look at a star in a telescope, you are looking back in time. If something is 2000 light years away it means you are looking at light that left that star 2000 years ago! Must have been very bright when it left for us to still be able to see it all this much later.

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