The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday...12 February 2014

There's a bear in there.....
Lots and lots and lots of them. There are bears, tigers, lions, teddy's, rabbits, a dog and a chook!
Today I was invaded by stuffed animals, by the bag full, dozens and dozens and dozens more of them. My brother is a collector of the famous Charlie Bears and assorted other stuffed beasties as he sees fit. The men left here with a loaded trailer heading for the tip, they were gone forever and eventually returned with the trailer just as full as when they left. They came home past the other property and bought with them my brothers much loved collection of stuffed toys. Apparently these are not your average stuffed toy. No folks, these are genuine Charlie Bears, enough of them to make any collector drool. My brother sees them as his children's superannuation. My husband and I see them as a grown man's folly! Time will tell which of us is right. Amongst this was an entire pride of tigers. Seven in fact, (most of them near life size) and one lion which does seem somewhat out of place in the pride.We think the life sized blue heeler is to keep the rest rounded up and contained to the front room where they are expected to take up residence.
And a chair as well.......
Another part of today was a trip to the woodwork store to purchase a large bottle of super dooper wood glue which has been used to repair four out of the six chairs belonging to the brother's dining setting. They have not been coping well with the dry weather and the upgrade to being in regular use.
We followed all this activity with a night out at the nephew's restaurant/bar in town. The company and the service and the dinner were superb. I really enjoyed the evening, even though I disgraced myself by accidentally pouring water into another person's wine glass! Never mind, someone had to be the butt of everyone else's laughter. The bottom line was we all enjoyed ourselves and that is all that mattered.

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