The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tuesday...21 July 2015

Began our travels again yesterday.
Only up the road to the next big town but at least we are on the way!
A couple of weeks ago Himself had a coughing fit and initially suppressed the cough but then when he went to take a breath, nothing happened and down he went, crash bang boom! I think he passed out. As he fell he hit his head on the bench and his back on the cupboards and his bum hard on the floor. Anyway we got him back to his feet and he was walking alright but said his bum hurt. I said he should go to the doctor and he said not to be so silly it was only a bruise.
A week or so later he had to admit it was more than a bruise when it was uncomfortable for him to move around and to drive the car. We had been to visit the other daughter, a two hour trip each way and he was unable to sit for that long. So off he went to the doctor for X-rays.
He has a dislocated coccyx and can expect some discomfort for at least six weeks. This makes travelling difficult for him.  He is on pills for pain and anti inflammatorys. We have bought a foam cushion for him to sit his sore bits on and this helps but right now our best progress will be town by town instead of state by state each day! Mileage will be low and I can see us doing a lot of free camping to balance the budget but every days travel is another day closer to warmer weather.

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