The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sunday...19 July 2015

Daughter and I went to the Sheep and Wool Show today. Himself went yesterday and stayed most of the day. We saw craft including ladies actually spinning fleece and weaving and knitting. We tasted jams and chilli's and ate burgers and donuts. We watched a shearing competition and a wool classing display. Having walked into and through every building we could find and watched the fashion show we headed up the other end of the oval and entered the sheep judging buildings. Ahhh, the smell, it never changes! 
Anyway daughter was in heaven walking around looking at all the beautiful Merino's and then we entered another building with various other breeds in it. With permission from the handlers she was allowed to "pat" a sheep and feel its lovely soft fleece. 
We heard a stud auction and watched a sheepdog trail. And to finish the day off we visited the display of black sheep. I can remember when being black as a sheep was a no no but now they are prized by home spinners for their natural fleece colours. 
Quite a day out and there is still work to do here at camp. Tomorrow is moving day and I must tidy the rig ready for the off in the morning. Then it is off to dinner with the daughter and a last play time with the grandchild before our departure.
I do like the facilities this town has, just not very keen on the winter chill. We will return when the weather warms up again and this camper is less grumpy!!!

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