The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Saturday...4 July 2015

Went into town yesterday and got a much needed haircut. While we were there we popped into the youngest daughters new store. Great shop, lovely staff. Could not resist such beautiful clothes even if they are a bit more than I usually spend and came away with two heavy bags and a much much lighter wallet! On the way back to camp we stopped off to visit with the new grandchild. What a happy happy baby. Always smiling, rarely grumpy.
A couple of people have commented on my recent posts about the caravan hiccups.
They have suggested that maybe the caravan is reaching its use by date. Not really, it is just ongoing break down and maintenance. If you think about your house and the leaking taps or broken pavers out in the yard or the big oil leak in the drive way or the crack in your shower screen etc, ours comes under the same heading. Just ongoing "stuff" that happens! And you only know about this because I write about what ever is happening in my day, good and bad. Mine may be a little more frustrating than yours or I may not handle it as well as you do and mine may impact on me more as I have no other alternative than to deal with whatever comes my way. There is no putting things off in a caravan! Things break, things get fixed, well most of the time they do, and we move on with life.....after I have a big or little sook about it depending on how much the event affects me.
The caravan is as sturdy as ever and still attracting a lot of attention. I have long since got used to the size and splendour of it all and find peoples amazement a bit surprising. We are still giving guided tours, and explaining the finer points of a fifth wheeler for full time travel. Several people have expressed interest in buying one, but so far none have come back with a healthy check book or their bank manger to talk to us!
We looked at a lot of property in Echuca last week but so far nothing has got us excited so we will continue to travel looking for a place to call home. Who knows, maybe we never will!!!


  1. You are right about things always being fixed around the house Kate. Just that I don't write about it, and we always seem to spend money on the van as well. This time it's new tyres. We have to stay safe. so maybe your way is better staying on the road. No mortgage, no water rate , no council rate, no house insurances, no gas or electric bills and so on, but that's living

  2. Yes Toni, staying on the road is way cheaper than owning a house........sigh
