The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Thursday...9 July 2015

Still in the cold country. How people can willingly spend time in this much cold is beyond me. This is why I think houses must be warmer than caravans. I know caravans are cheaper to heat then houses but sadly the heat does not stay around very long in my caravan. We have a long list of stuff we must do before moving again but the cold has made getting them done hard. Still we continue to make plans to travel again soon.
Usually I love television at this time of the year. Wimbledon and the Tour de France and the AFL and the NRL and the State of Origin and for an added bonus we have the cricket happening too! I used to stay up half the night to watch Wimbledon and the Tour. Sadly I think most of the sport available now is unwatchable.
I gave up on ladies tennis years ago as I hate the way they carry on squealing and grunting. Nothing ladylike about any of that! And now the worst examples of unsportsmanlike behaviour is coming from two of our men. Disgraceful! These two should be banned from playing any of the top tournaments for a year and be made to earn their right to the grand slam events again. And channel 7 should refuse to show any of their matches on national television. Until there is cause and effect these idiots will continue to bring their sport into disrepute. I also wonder how they got to be so bad without anyone doing something to pull them into line much sooner.
The press is full of stories about the Tour and the AFL and NRL and drugs. How can we have any respect for the participants or believe in the results as being true and fair if they are running on illicit substances? And according to some sections of the media, the cricket is decided by the bookies!!! Such a shame that sport, the opiate of the populace, has been tainted so badly that it no longer holds any real joy for the average man on the street. I for one turn it off more than I turn it on. Really Sad.

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