The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday...24 November 2015

Another month nearly over.
We have had our caravan now for six years and we have seen a lot and done a lot in our time on the road full time. There have been incredible highs and sad lows but mostly life has been good to us.
In the early days our family and friends were running a book on how long we would last, I wish they had invited me to take part, I knew that we were going to try for two years but in my heart I myself thought one year was a more likely outcome. Isn't it amazing what humans are really capable of?
I think we can all do way more than we initially think we can, the incentive just has to be high enough to make us that much more determined to achieve higher goals.
I think I can.....I think I can....I think I can, eventually morphs into I know I can....I know I can....
So we did.


  1. Congratulations on 6 years on the road. So glad you did those years or we might never have met you, and now we count you are amongst our dearest friends. Caravanning has bought us so much pleasure and many new friends.
