The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sunday...8 November 2015

Oops! I have not blogged for a week.
Two things happened at the same time. I ran out of internet and I ran out of energy.
We started out with 1GB a month when we first hit the road. Over time this proved too small so we upgraded to 3GB a month. That did well for a couple of years but again slowly became too small so we upgraded again to 8GB a month. This too did well for a while but now it has suddenly become too small too. My frustration is being caused by the fact that I have deleted everything and anything I can think of out of my normal daily internet routine in an attempt to slow the usage rate. I am even thinking of deleting good old Facebook!  I cannot figure out what is chewing it up. Must be something running in the background but our very good anti everything virus protection is not picking up anything naughty. Oh well, back to the drawing board.

The other big thing to happen this week was Little Miss Happy's first birthday. Hard to believe it has been a whole year since she made such a dramatic early arrival scaring us and her terrified new parents. But what a joy she has been. So blessed to have her in our lives. I need to get back into training and get fitter to keep up with that much energy. A day with Little Miss Happy and Nana needs two days recovery time!

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