The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thursday...19 November 2015

Last Friday we had a call from the daughter's husband in Horsham asking if Himself could spare a couple of days to lend a hand with harvest as his dad who usually helps had taken sick and ended up in hospital.  We threw a few clothes into a bag and off we went!
As soon as we got there after two and a half hours driving, the boys took off to Pinnaroo in South Australia to fetch a part for the header, just a quick trip, three hours each way. The daughter and I went into town and had dinner at a local Thai restaurant. Yum! I know who got the best deal for dinner that day!
Next day the men went about the business of fixing the header and continuing the harvest and after delivering packed lunches to the paddock, the ladies went to lunch and did a spot of shopping. You know, I could get used to doing harvest this way........
But then came Monday and the daughter went back to work.
So mum got to make the lunches and I did not have to but happily offered to cook dinner, (chicken casserole) which went down well when the men finally came in from the paddock very late at night.
Tuesday was declared a total fire ban so the men were home by lunchtime and the header was parked up during the serous heat of the day to wait until the extremely hot winds moved elsewhere. They lunched on home made sausage rolls and left over chicken casserole. Then they went out again late in the day and I cooked a chop casserole which was finally served at 1.00am when they came home for a shower, dinner and bed.

On Wednesday we had an appointment back here in Bendigo so we left straight after breakfast to be back by lunchtime. Gotta say it was nice driving so early in the day especially as the day did turn out rather hot.
Today I minded Little Miss Happy again. This kid is seriously sweet. She played with her toys and anything she could get her hands on around our caravan that was safe to let her fiddle with and she had a one and a half hour nap (what's not to like about that, given that nanny was worn out by then) and then she woke up happy, had lunch and was content to play again until her daddy came to rescue her. Cute kid! After that we went to her house to put together her new cot. Lucky Little Miss Happy.

Tomorrow there is a caravan and camping expo at the local racecourse. We will be there. Cannot miss a nomad muster!!!

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