The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sunday...24 May 2015

Big day.
Today marks 5 years continuously on the road for the Loftus Caravan!
And they said we wouldn't last five days......ha ha ha.
In that time we have done a couple of laps of Australia and a figure eight just for good measure. There have been lots of other smaller sections but there is still one whole state we have not set foot on yet......Tasmania. It is on the list for sure, just that every time we have thought about going there something has got in the way like floods and fires and family & friends in need.
I guess this means we will have to keep on going, at least until we tick that last big chunk off the list, after that it might be time to settle down a bit and do normal stuff like buying a house and staying home for summer and hitting the road north for winter like all the other grey nomads.
Wish us luck as we continue our journey.


  1. Congratulations on your 5 years. Hope it wont be to lone before we see you again.

    1. Thanks Toni. You will see us again for sure. Love catching up with old and new friends along the way.
