The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday...18 May 2015

Phone call from my sister first thing this morning.
Eldest brother who had a stroke a few years ago, has underestimated his own abilities and yesterday he fell off a friends shed. Heaven knows what he thought he was doing going up there in the first place. Apparently he fell through the roof. Tests show he has sustained a spinal injury. Overnight he was flown from country Victoria to the Royal Melbourne Hospital and this morning he was transferred to the Austin Hospital who are the specialists in spinal cord injuries for Victoria. On arrival there he was taken into surgery as he has unstable L1 & L2 fractures.
He is out now in recovery but no further information is available yet. The ward is still waiting for his paperwork to come down from theatre.
Silly bugger, more lives than a cat but again he will face a long recovery and seriously hard work to come back from this misfortune. Get well BB!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. Sorry to hear about your brother, hope he makes a speedy recovery.
    Sunday night a dear niece gave birth to a tiny baby boy, 4 week early. So far all is going well for them.
    We are in Mildura at the moment waiting for friends of ours coming for WA. They should be here tomorrow. then in a day or 2 we are going to Bright to freeze our A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OFF.
    They want to see the autumn leaves so I hope we are not to late for that, and if we are lucky there will be snow on the mountain tops as well. They would also be happy to see that to.
    John is very happy with the new car and it rides like a dream towing the van So all is good.
    Bye for now. Love T & J
