The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday...30 September 2014

Don't come knocking if the van is rocking!
Save your blushes, this is no where near what the old saying used to mean. There is some serious wild weather around us with wind gusts that have the van bucking worse than a bull at the rodeo. Himself says all is well, I am shaking like a leaf.
Just how long can the trees around us keep their feet firmly planted in the ground with severe wind squalls hitting non stop? The birds are hiding under the caravans having given up trying to fly! Dirt and dust is being blown everywhere, I can see several mini dust storms crossing the park in different places. The noise is vaguely familiar, bit like an oncoming train that just never seems to arrive, hmmm where have I heard that description before?
At least it is daylight and I can see around me. I have an excellent view of the rubbish and personal belongings being blown around the caravan park. I guess the time to worry will be if I see any of the caravans moving without being attached to a tow vehicle.
Perhaps today would be the time to build a kite?

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