The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday...7 September 2014

Happy Fathers Day.

Have been experiencing an entire winter for the first time in forty years. Still not a fan! It is cold and bleak. The trees look so barren without their leaves and grey skies leave you feeling depressed and desperate for a glimpse of the sun. Frosts and fog make life dangerous and walking on grass that crunches with each step is unnatural! Rain and mud push you indoors where you sit looking out the window in desperate hope that around the next curtain summer will appear to paint some colour back into your world.
Although there is nothing quite like sitting in front of a roaring log fire or slow combustion heater to warm the cockles of your heart, it means going out into the cold to fetch the wood to feed the fire and I have seen some seriously big wood piles lately.

And how had I managed to forget over the years the sorts of 'things' that hide in a wood pile. Yucky horrible grubs and all manner of creepy crawlies and spiders big enough to sit with their legs dangling over the sides of a dinner plate and furry-ier than Himself's chest, that run up your arms as you carry a load of wood inside. I have even seen what appeared to be hairless baby puppies but in reality were newborn rats! Seriously, how many times can you scream and not do permanent damage to your vocal chords? Any dreams people have of living in the country all warm and cosy, snug as a bug in a rug during winter, are in reality a scary scary nightmare!
On a more cheery note, now that it is Spring, I am loving the beautiful displays of blossom I am seeing on those same bleak winter trees. At last there is some colour in my world again!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Kate and Keith, have missed your blog for a while now and look everyday so I am glad your back BLOGGING.
    Enjoy the spring while it is warm and not hot.
    John and I are in Hopetoun, Vic. and should be home Tuesday. We have had a lovely 3 weeks away again and the last 10 days we have travelled with my sister and her hubby. We had my families 60 years reunion of arriving in Aus. with the rest of our family. There are 8 bros and sisters and we stayed in Albury with them all for 3 days it was so much fun looking at old photos and going over our history and family tree. Then we all did a bit more travelling with some members of the family and others had to go to work so they went back home.
    I have put photos up on FB of then and now.
    The wind is very strong here so John has taken the awning in. Keith have a happy Father days.
    Love Toni and John
