The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday...29 April 2014

Got away more or less on time this morning as we left my sister's place and began our trek again. We only travelled about 300 km and have found a lovely big quiet and friendly park in Griffith. What we have seen as we came through the town area to reach the caravan park looks interesting but it will have to wait until tomorrow as we are worn out and since making camp we have just sat and relaxed.


  1. So sorry we cant be with you. We are stuck in Streaky Bay for another couple of days as the fuel pump in the car has given up the ghost. More BLOODY money to spend on the BBBBBBcar. Ah well there could be worse place to be broken down I guess.
    Take care and enjoy your trip north.
    Love Toni and John

    1. What a shame about your car. Hope you get it fixed and can continue your trip

  2. It is at the mechanics now and hope to have the car back tomorrow or saturday
