The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Saturday...12 April 2014

I expect that soon our rent will go up to reflect the newly installed water views!
We have bright sunshine now, but two days ago it rained and rained and then it rained some more. We got over two inches of rain and now our caravan is sitting in a fairly large puddle, hence the water views. No doubt it will dry out if the current sunshine continues.
Some of the local farmers are rubbing their hands with glee, others are rubbing theirs and muttering about being ruined if this keeps up. Now we know that farmers are never completely happy, it is their nature, but I feel for them. They are doing their best to feed the nation and to make enough to support their families, but their pay packet is entirely reliant on the weather and how good they are at what they do. Those of us who work a "normal" job know that no matter how we perform there will still be a regular pay packet to sustain us. Not so for the farmer. A single failure can mean the difference between being successful or being sold up by the bank and joining the unemployment queue. It's a hard life they have chosen. Bless them all.
We have spent a large part of the last couple of weeks researching this area for places we might call home. No success so far however it has been an interesting time.

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