The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday...15 February 2014

It is raining. Not your loud noisy banging on the roof sort of rain, but a nice soft gentle rain that I think you would need to stand in for a while to actually feel wet, but nonetheless it is raining. I am sure there are gardens all over the place that will be happy with any water they get. It will also wash some of the smoke out of the air from all the bush fires of the last couple of weeks, so no complaints that other things cannot be done because it is wet.
Today both my sister and her daughter are having wedding anniversaries. Must be the season for it, I had one of those myself a few days ago!
No more line dancing to get into my brothers house. After a concerted effort, much of it by Himself, most things have now been placed where they were always intended to go and the house is beginning to look like a home. Yesterday the carpet people came and laid carpet in the family room which is a vast improvement over the two different unfinished surfaces we have been looking at. More stuff has gone to the tip. The brother is getting better at doing that without going into meltdown and can see the benefit of thinning out his possessions. Apparently this will make room for new stuff!
I have no need to accumulate possessions. I am much happier with less and only keep what is being used in the here and now rather than keeping things for 'in case' or 'one day', so I have to work at getting my head around people who hoard stuff they will probably never use, but feel the need to have it in case they will find a use for it one day!
So the house is nearly the sheds!

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